Elisabeth Benn - Psychotherapeutische Beratung nach Viktor Frankl


Elisabeth Benn

Psychotherapeutic Counselling
according to Viktor Frankl

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Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
Viktor Frankl
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
'Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life. And it is our job as therapists to assist people in developing their individual consciences and finding and fulfilling their unique meanings.'
Viktor Frankl

In Logotherapy/Existential Analysis (LTEA) the search for a meaning in life is identified as the primary motivational force in human beings.

Frankl's approach is based on three philosophical and psychological concepts:

Freedom of Will
Will to Meaning, and
Meaning in Life

Freedom of Will
According to LTEA humans are not fully subject to conditions but are basically free to decide and capable of taking their stance towards internal (psychological) and external (biological and social) conditions. Freedom is here defined as the space of shaping one's own life within the limits of the given possibilities. This freedom derives from the spiritual dimension of the person, which is understood as the essentially human realm, over and above the dimensions of body and of psyche. As spiritual persons, humans are not just reacting organisms but autonomous beings capable of actively shaping their lives.

The freedom of the human person plays an important role in psychotherapy, in that it provides clients with room for autonomous action even in the face of somatic or psychological illness. And it is just that resource which enables clients, in the context of the techniques of Paradoxical Intention and Dereflection, to cope with their symptoms and to regain control and self-determination.  

Will to Meaning
Human beings are not only free, but most importantly they are free to something - namely, to achieve goals and purposes. The search for meaning is seen as the primary motivation of humans. When a person cannot realize his or her "Will to Meaning" in their lives they will experience an abysmal sensation of meaninglessness and emptiness. The frustration of the existential need for meaningful goals will give rise to aggression, addiction, depression and suicidality, and it may engender or increase psychosomatic maladies and neurotic disorders.

Logotherapy/Existential Analysis assists clients in perceiving and removing those factors that hinder them in pursuing meaningful goals in their lives. Clients are sensitized for the perception of meaning potentialities; however, they are not offered specific meanings. Rather, they are guided and assisted in the realization of those meaning possibilities they have detected themselves.

Meaning in Life
LTEA is based on the idea that meaning is an objective reality, as opposed to a mere illusion arising within the perceptional apparatus of the observer. According to LTEA humans are called upon, on the grounds of their freedom and responsibility, to bring forth the possible best in themselves and in the world, by perceiving and realizing the meaning of the moment in each and every situation. In this context it must be stressed that these meaning potentials, although objective in nature, are linked to the specific situation and person, and are therefore continually changing. Thus LTEA does not declare or offer some general meaning of life. Rather, clients are aided in achieving the openness and flexibility that will enable them to shape their day-to-day lives in a meaningful manner.

Existential Analysis
The process of disclosing individual prerequisites that enable a person to lead a meaningful and self-determined life according to his/her own values is called Existential Analysis. This comprises the description of his situation in life, i.e. his existence, his values, his ability to take responsibility and the clarification of his motivation. Consequently Existential Analysis is a fundamental part of logotherapeutic counselling. (quoted from "www.viktorfrankl.org")

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